Saturday, September 14, 2013

Yam and Garudhiya

Assalaam Alaikum,
Yam (raw)

Yam with 'garudhiya and fried fish

"Garudhiya' (Fish soup)

Yam and garudhiya (a clear fish soup) is a favourite of mine. It saved my husband’s family from starvation.
My husband’s great grandfather is from Ha Ihavandhoo, he went to Addu to study and married an Addu lady, and had grandfather.
During those days boats used to stop at different places while travelling between Male’ and islands. During his travels grandfather met grandmother, who was from Ga Kolamafushi and got married, and had father.
During second World War, a great famine hit the country and people starved. At the time Gdh Gadhoo was one of the few agricultural islands in the atoll, so father and later his parents and siblings migrated to Gadhdhoo to avoid starvation and met mother and got married.
The main available food at the time was yam, a root vegetable and fish. Yam is still grown by people of Gadhdhoo. 

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